My name is Stephanie and I am a hobbit. However, you may call me Claided, and I would much prefer it if you did.
I enjoy learning the arts and history, but math is not my forte. I travel frequently, and have immersed myself in countries such as Germany, Italy and France. I am a college student in the US.
My interests are of the many, I love books, art, reading, writing, video games, role-playing, cosplay, watching movies and creating worlds in my head.
The main area of my obsessions are the Final Fantasy series (particularly XII), Dragon Age, Lord of the Rings (and of course The Hobbit), Sherlock Holmes, any Mercedes Lackey novel (the Obsidian affiliates are very near and dear to my heart), all Anne Bishop, and quite anything fantasy, horse or animal (I've taken care of so many different animals).
I am currently playing Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Online on the Exodus and Siren servers, if you want to contact me about being friends.
I am very friendly, so just come and talk to me.
[imgleft:193ebf50e6]http://i517.photobucket.com/albums/u331/DemonicHorse/Rp/allcatsaregrey.gif[/imgleft:193ebf50e6] [imgright:193ebf50e6]http://i517.photobucket.com/albums/u331/DemonicHorse/Rp/cat-2.gif[/imgright:193ebf50e6] أنا أسيء فهمها[/size:193ebf50e6][/color:193ebf50e6][/align:193ebf50e6]I live in terror of the day they understand me, because it
will mean I am just like them.
And that will be the end of my life, because all my life
I've wanted not to be understood[/size:193ebf50e6] [/align:193ebf50e6][/color:193ebf50e6]
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