MSN: young-fresh01@hotmail.com
Aim: dominicanflyboii
Facebook: Nunezsteven71@yahoo.com
Random questions-
Color skin- White
Do you have a pet: Yeah a dog in my country
Whats my favorite Baseball team: S.t. Louis Cadinals, New York Yankees
cool Where are you from: Dominican Republic
Where are you living: in NYC
Do you like sports: yeah Baseball, Basketball and Football
Color eyes- Brownish (blackish)
Are you a girl or boy: 100% Boy
Whats your favorite colors: blue
Whats your color hair? brown mix with black
Any hobbies? I love playing sports and Video games
Whats your age: going to 16 in december
Favorite video game: MVP baseball 05
Favorite Show: Drake and Josh
Favorite Channel: ESPN and YES
Favorite Band: Daughtry and Nickelback
Favorite Food:Chinease Food and Pizza.
The best player that ever lived!!
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