
My name is Brittany and I am 23 years old. I graduated community college with an Associates in Prehealth so now I go to the university for a bachelors in veterinary medicine . I have little girl whose name is Lilly and she is the light of my world ! She was born July 25 2010 and I love her with all my heart! heart

I am very laid back most of the time and I try to not let trivial things get to me that easily. I love to challenge my mind and my weaknesses to see what I can over come. I am really into art. I draw, paint, do charcoal, and pastels. I really love that it allows you to express yourself regardless of your skills.
Ummm I'm a math nerd lol I love history, I love music, art, literature, science... lol I am very well rounded.
I have a lot of friends whom I love dearly. Lencit, Taiketsue, Aklesa, and MudsthePaladin are all my friends in real life. I love them dearly. Lencit introduced me to this site back in 2006 and I have been in love with gaia since.... thanks Lencit lol heart

Join Date: January 3, 2006
Well thats it for my about me..... just PM me or Leave a Comment. I always welcome new friends. Bye Loves

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