♥ Berrim ♥

Berrim's avatar

Last Login: 01/11/2025 2:07 pm

Registered: 07/15/2009

Gender: Female

Birthday: 03/02

i caught you !! ( >⌓˂ )

Flanpachi on 11/01/2024
Alastor-Frost on 09/09/2024
Xx_Fatalixx_xX on 09/02/2024
boo wiggles on 08/31/2024
AKaholic on 08/30/2024
HalIucination on 08/30/2024
The Blood Sacrifice on 08/28/2024
Belkin Ribbons on 08/25/2024
Maraccino on 08/25/2024
GoblinIntention on 08/24/2024
Kyyteo on 08/24/2024
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Hiii! My name is Eri (:
I am 26 years old, I'm very shy and silly. (〃´∀`) Check out my interests, maybe we have a lot in common!

I tend to leave and come back a lot when it comes to this site, whenever I decide to "quit", that just means I'm taking a break from Gaia. Maybe even a 6+ month break.. Feel free to send me a PM, or leave a comment over there! I'll get back to you as soon as I caaan ♥


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Lofty Ambition Report | 09/03/2024 6:51 pm
Lofty Ambition
Wilson Churchland Report | 08/30/2024 7:04 pm
Wilson Churchland
Yeah I am the store manager so I mostly just do the schedules and take in the money lol it's a pretty good job. xd
Sometimes I take home free samples too cool

Oh I don't know those candies... did they have alcohol in them? Have you been drinking since you were a kid? xD
Wilson Churchland Report | 08/30/2024 6:19 pm
Wilson Churchland
Oh I am the manager at a liquor store. 3nodding I go into work at 9am most days and sometimes I go in at 8 or 6am on days we have to do a store inventory. I do wake up really early just to get ready cause I tend to take awhile to get into gear lol
That's good and free snacks too nice. biggrin I get sundays off every week so that's pretty good.
Kyyteo Report | 08/30/2024 9:52 am
Haha thanks! The actual map of the region took the longest bit since I had trouble deciding which landmarks should go where, but I'm pretty satisfied with how it turned out!

Thanks for your compliments! I hope that even with Gaia not as active as it used to be, a few people will take interest and decide to play anyway smile
Kyyteo Report | 08/30/2024 9:42 am
Mwehehehe... You should check it out to see for yourself >3

Kyyteo Report | 08/30/2024 9:29 am
Hey Berrim!
I just opened up applications for my Pokemon RP, so I'm hoping people will take interest in it. I worked really hard on the region xD The other ones I'm a part of are going okayish. Excited for a couple, but hesitant to keep going with another.
Wilson Churchland Report | 08/29/2024 5:39 am
Wilson Churchland
Oh you were off enjoying your day and I am glad you didn't burn that tortilla. xd As for me, I was at work and actually at the time of writing this I am on my way back there this morning. I got home yesterday and just had a sandwich and some reeces ice cream then I went to bed. I didn't even pop on here for a min so gaia had to miss my old rattling bones for a day. But I will come back I seem and will often do...

As you said, they probably got me forever and ever now haha. Yeah that RP stuff is fun and depends on who you do it with or how much of it is strict to rules and what not. Some people just take it too seriously or are use to their own play styles. I mean I was always just a silly goose on the loose lol so I just was out to make/have fun. Mischievousness was always on the horizon pirate
I hope you have a great day!
Wilson Churchland Report | 08/27/2024 9:21 pm
Wilson Churchland
Haha you saw into my flashback how embarrassing redface I was still fairly the same back then too but I did tend to rp a lot here and there.
I know meal prepping lol I am terrible at that but yeah same as you who wants the same stuff for like a week straight?

Yeah I started on my first account in '03 like in December. I was here in the first year they started gaia but not really into, into it you know?
I was off and on but I always loved coming back. Way back when I was still tending college and my buddy use to come on here with me.
Oh yeah all my friends are now moved on from this ages ago. Me, nah still rattling my old bones around here. How's your day been?
Wilson Churchland Report | 08/27/2024 4:37 pm
Wilson Churchland
Oh yeah a fast meal is practically my best friend when I have been at work for a long day. I just want to come home and sleep most times but I have to eat lol
But yes, the golden years of gaia I remember like it was yesterday... oh wait you can't see a flashback here lol

Imparting wisdom that's right... xd Yeah gaia was very fun so many more people to chat with and do fun activities I think they had more rally, towns, games, and even some personals that use to exist for talking to others. I mean its been like 20 years of this site. The worst thing is though that so many people have come and gone.

I like Shake too he's hilarious and Meatwad such a lovable loaf lol Carl emotion_dealwithit too wicked.
Wilson Churchland Report | 08/26/2024 11:07 pm
Wilson Churchland
Oh you're too kind! biggrin But yes and funny thing is I never even eat bob evans cause I don't usually even eat mac n cheese lol but it was different day and I just wanted to eat something fast.
I am indeed 43 so it's true what that profile says and I love roulette so I just put that .png in someone's stolen profile that I just lifted. ninja

Haha the secret to being someone that loves life is never stop living it and the imagination never dies even as we get older. No one has to act their act we just do believe we have to kill all
the fun in living to be an adult. Oh excuse my rambling lol who is your favorite character from Aqua?