I began breathing on the fourth day of November, the very date my mom gave me a name of Herbert. I'm quite a random person. Basically, I enjoy answering PM's from people, tinker on Photoshop in a sudden and laugh while reading messages. It was 2007 when I joined and right now, I can say that Gaiaonline has improved a lot. I guess this is a site of versatility in terms of social networking, gaming and marketing. I have a brother here in Gaiaonline. His username is h3rb3rt. I like friendly people and those who knows how to laugh. I'm a Filipino and I'm proud of that. Well, there are many Filipinos in Gaiaonline. I'm pretty approachable so basically, you could just send me a PM and we'll be friends. I'm an avid watcher of cartoons, rip-off movies and comedy shows.
Presenting the disclaimer of this profile:
He says,
"At some point of our lives, we would learn different things in different ways. We'd learn to cry and lose things we couldn't offer not to keep. Chances sometimes give us times when reasons crossed our lines and we just couldn't keep up with the beat. But as what I have learned from Meet the Robinsons, learn to let go of the past and keep moving forward.
Let your hand lead your destiny and ride the wave. Keep the good times rolling and wear a smile. Faking it sometimes work. Trust me. "
Graphic Archive
Graphic Archive
This is a collection of my Adobe Arts.
[b:2bb01de670]Hakuna Matata[/b:2bb01de670][/color:2bb01de670][/size:2bb01de670][/align:2bb01de670]
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