
My life and soul for k-pop and cats.
heart “I think too much. I think ahead. I think behind. I think sideways. I think it all. If it exists, I’ve ******** thought of it.”
— Winona Ryder
My name's Victoria (or Tori, take your pick) and I'm 20 years young. I am a massive smart a** and I'm the epitome of socially awkward penguin. Seriously, s**t gets uncomfortable the minute I step foot in a room. That being said, I'm cool as ******** and I love everything Avatar the Last Airbender/Zutara/Legend of Korra and K&J-pop. Soooooooooooo yeaaaa..... Hiya.
Kisa's Journal
I write about stuff...YEAH! stuff :D
i stopped fighting my demons...

we're on the same side now...
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