
behindthescenesofmonicali's avatar

Last Login: 07/20/2013 9:47 am


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While you people out there are doing your stuff there's an unspoke fear running through you all. It's been with humankind since the beginning of time. All who have dared to try to stop it have died in the attempt. Now everyone lives in fear of its greatpower and cowers and the mere mention of it. Its name is enough to scare any persoon off the face of this earth.
It is..


lol. I'm jut kidding. I needed a dramatic begining. Teehee.
But let's get down to what this section is sposedly all about!!

My name is Monica. Yeah, I know, it's a suckish name. Couldn't my parents have named me something more exciting?more dramatic? It's not really fair that all of the dramatic people get boring names and all of the boring people get the totally awesome names!! OK that's not nessesarily true but still...
I tend to suck at spelling and grammer and such. Sorry guys. But when I'm not at school there's not mush of a reason to spell word right. Who cares if you spell "sincerely" as "sinsearly" when you're not at school?OK someone might but as long as I can read it I don't mind. I'm trying not to let my spelling skills slack off at the moment because this is where I'm sposed to make a good impression on everyone. I think I haven't been doing a real good job at it though...
Let's see...My fav color is NEON GREN!!! Notice: It has to be NEON green or else I'll prolly hate it and whoever named it so...
My fav number is nonexistant because, as weird as I am, I don't really see the point of a lucky number.
Idon't really play a sport (I know, I'm a wimp) Because I suck at them and/or get bored with them. Although I've recently started figure skating *sparkle, sparkle* but I suck at it so it doesn't count. biggrin
And now my hobies. Ooohhh...yay, this'll be fun!! I like staying up late to mes around on the internet when there aren't any parents or siblings to bug you. I like watching various aanimes and reading manga. It's sorta stupid because I had no idea what anime/manga were until the beginning of this year and now I'm surviving school because of it. (OK OK not literally. I'm being dramatic again). I'd list my faves but tha would take a while so... I also like doodling around and seem to compliment people a lot. I dunno but the words sorta pour out. But that'snot exactly a hobbie. I like changing my online stuff so this little (or more like very very long) thing will prolly disappear ina week or so. I also like laughing. Honestly. It's just a happy thing to do.There's also the above mentioed, ice skating. and so o and so on...
well I'm sorta new. Sorta. I haven't been here for a week but haven't ben here for a year either so...I have another avater and her name's doyouneedtokno. without the period at the end.
I have a thing for emocons....

well that's all for out for those potatoes!!
razz razz razz


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So, How's Life, Monica?


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ezrxtcyvgubhijnkm Report | 05/22/2010 1:37 pm
Thank you for both the buy and the lovely comment.
fghasdf Report | 02/14/2010 11:33 am
Hey sis, you need to change your profile or else everyone is gonna think you're me and...well, that won't be that great.
-Nuage 9_ Report | 11/01/2009 6:54 pm
Tee hee. Tee hee. That'snot. Tee hee.... snot.
fghasdf Report | 07/23/2009 4:34 pm
Yeah...I'm talking to myself again. Meh.
AzMiss Report | 03/19/2009 4:14 pm
Thank you 4 buying!
Nice profile too.
behindthescenesofmonicali Report | 02/21/2009 2:35 pm
hey guys,well i kno no1s gonna look at this but if ur my friend here would u pleaz add doyouneedtokno to ur friendlist cuz shes mee and i barely use this account event tho i have so much more stuff....
-Nuage 9_ Report | 01/11/2009 2:29 pm
Mara the Demongirl Report | 12/03/2008 4:59 pm
random comment back 4laugh
ameliarose23 Report | 11/24/2008 3:15 pm
yea karma is good what go around comes around. is the kind of karma i have lately
Neo Haiku Report | 11/24/2008 2:04 pm
i was just lookin threw pros



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