1. have a new job by the end of the year
2. learn how to drive
3. learn how to play the guitar
4.write a short story about taylor
5. make friends
6. learn when to say YES and when to say NO
7. blog/journal/create more


Don’t know when I wrote that, but today (7/25/23)
1. Today, I drove in Scotland & successfully did not die
2. Do not know how to play the guitar but I have realized that as you grow up you can either count yourself out or seize the goddamn day
3. I have not written a short story about Taylor, but the grief has faded. More than that. The grief suffocated me, and then became me. I was undone, but now I am slowly learning how to be ok with being new.
4. I have support I often feel is undeserved, but it’s the healthy (and HARD) kind of love that your mind can’t even dream up.
5. I will say yes. I will say no. I’ll say whatever I want to.
6. I think creating can be both intentional and unintentional. Maybe I am more of the latter all along.
7. I got a job offer today & am so scared.