Welcome To My Lair..Make Yourself Comfortable...It May Be The Last Thing You Do...
An echo in the darkness heard, A shape moves beyond sightShadows bow down before him as he hunts through the night
Many Souls have been taken and rent as his legacy has unfurled
"Thanatos of Slaves" himself has escaped the underworld
Coriaceous black wings propelled him on his way up from the void
History was written in blood as lives and cities were destroyed
The darkness is his true ally, it guides him on his way
Slaves and Kings are all alike, they all become his prey
They say he sought the blackness and that he made the void his home
And like minded evil joined his clan so he no longer hunts alone
Virtue is lost, Concience forgotten, Morality eschewed
Forever searching, forever hunting, he is the Lord Batdude
So pray he never seeks you out and that you never have to hide
For in the darkness the hunter stalks with a clan standing at his side
How do i know so much you ask? And i'll tell you, now i'm done
I know of his desire, his clan and his kind for you see child, i am one
--My Friend Demandred From UK--
My Desk...Leave Me A Note Signed With Your Blood..
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*salutes you before downing the beer you gave him