my name is Banana, 's up?
Hmm...some things about me...okay, here we go.
BEWARE randomness below...you've been warned:
I'm 22 and I'm 5'6"
I was born in Minnesota.
I hate the nickname "Beaver", which I'm called because of my smexy last name, NOT because I have
large teeth...or like to chew on pencils.
Oh, and my bestest friend's name is Mt Ocean. *bows down in worship*
I love ice cream, especially the
cookie-dough flavored
kind, hehe.
Horses are coolio.
I have a dog a very hyper shi tzu named Chloe.
My calico's name is Heidi.
Band-Aids are magical; why else would kids go from crying and crying and crying to happy and perky when they get a cartoon Band-Aid? Even when they are not bleeding! ...Magic.
I like the spring-time.
Photography is fun especially when you're using a
camera (unless you drop the reaaaaally expensive flash then it's not so great.)
One of
my favorite words is "spaztastic."
My favorite genre is country, my song being Colder Weather.
HATE vegetables and most fruit.
I also don't like fake people, and when people say stuff they don't mean.
Favorite weather
condition would have to be when it's sprinkling out.
Orange or yellow roses are my favorite
wink ,but lilies are a close third.
Another hobby I like is reading, I will read almost anything as long as it has a decent plot line.
Deodorant is epic. >33
Storm, Storm. ♫
I also am a consultant with Younique make-up and will host online parties on people's Facebook's and social media pages.
Aaaannd, that's about all I can think of for the time being, sooo Imma leave ya hangin' there. Au revoir.
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