Who is Balletfreak2008?
Hi! My name is Jenni and I am a Senior at Grand Valley State University. I live in the lovely state of Michigan and plan to graduate in 2014! Woot! That means 6 wonderful years at college. I am double majoring in Comprehensive Science and Arts and Special education. I plan to teach special education when I graduate and hope to teach early childhood at some point during my teaching career.When I am not studying or being a facebook addict, I absolutely love to dance. I have been dancing for about 18 years. I do ballet, contemporary, lyrical, and jazz, but have tried and epically failed at hip-hop and tap. Along with dance, I am co-president of a student organization on campus that keeps me on my feet and super busy.
I am obsessed with anything Disney and i love love love Tinkerbell. I am addicted to coffee, cherry Pepsi, making others happy, dance, learning, and chocolate. I love the color green, my family, animals, teaching, dancing, and my friends. My family is a great support system and my friends at school are amazing. I am lucky to have great people in my life that stick with me no matter what happens.
Well thats about it. I am a procrasinating, loving, disney obsessed, over analyzing, crazy in love, silly, goofy, optimistic, and passionate college student ready to find her place in this crazy, big world. heart
I would like to take a moment to thank Mia Lastar! She has been a great friend for the past 3 years and I love her to death! Thank you for all the late night convos, the support, and all of the items you have donated to me! You are and always will be one of my favoritest people! <3 THANK YOU!!!
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Things with Matt are great, we make a good team for getting stuff at the house done and still getting along. it helps that we were friends for forever before we started dating.
I don't miss exams at all--I hope you did good on all of them smile
Sorry to hear about the breakup--I'm sure you will be okay in a little while. Time is a healer of most wounds.
We just got internet at our place so both of us will be on more often smile
Things are going pretty good though.
How is your life?
That's good, at least it won't be too many classes, so you won't die, it seems like you always have a lot of classes and stuff to do.
I'm stuck in IL for another week till graduation though, but that's okay, I can hang out with my friends for that time.
Ohh Disney sounds fun.
I'm guessing you are taking summer classes?
It's all good, I got to hang out with matt and work a few days, i had a lot of fun being around people I haven't seen in a long time