Hey, I'm Jake.I like to rp.
Just PM me if you wanna rp with me, I'm open to just about everything.
Yeah, I cyber.
I'm on Central time, for those who care.
I am obsessed with music, any genre.
Yes, I do however believe there is bad music/taste in music.
Deal with it.
If you wanna talk, PM. I'm up to it.
This used to be BloodyElegantSimplicity's account, it isn't anymore.
For those who are curious, my sister is Child of Darkness96.
NO, we don't SHARE our accounts, so if people could kindly stop asking that.
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Why don't I have a sword D:
Haha it's okay, because at least that means I'm not the only one who makes egotistical comments :3
I guess you added some color.
And by color I mean red. (: