Hi there, my name is ilikechocolate. I perfer people calling me Choco. I dont have much to say.. so, yeah.Here's my dream Avi. I hope all of u reading this would be kind enough to donate me an item, or gold.
Avi #1 random
Total Value: 157,718 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Those Black 90s Pants
Those Black 90s Gloves
Elegant Veil
Black Musketeer Top
CoCo Kitty Plushie
Buttoned Down Fauna Boots
avi #2 assasin
Total Value: 2,453,442 Gold, 550 Tickets
[Item Information]
Item List:
Kitsune Mask
Sake Hyotan Tokkuri
Straw Hat
Ancient Katana
White Tabi
Buddhist Monk's Straw Sandals
Kuro Hakama
Buddhist Monk's Robe White
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If you've received this, then you've either visited our game item store on the forums, or one of our personal MP stores. I apologize if this pic's not working. It doesn't like some profile codes, and I can't seem to fix it. This is a thank you banner, not spam. Credit for this banner goes to Sashafey.