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Kuroda_Astsuo on 10/01/2019

Ayanami Verloren

Ayanami Verloren's avatar

Last Login: 08/09/2020 4:57 am

Registered: 12/15/2009

Gender: Male

Birthday: 02/06


The main antagonist, he is the man who killed Teito's 'Father' in the war against Raggs and seeks the Eye of Mikhail. Not much is shown about Ayanami's past except that he comes from a fallen noble family. Because of his birth, some colleagues dislike him and constantly give him a hard time.[23] On the surface he is respected, as he is greeted by salutes by officers whose ranks are lower than his, but some officers talk about Ayanami disrespectfully behind his back as well.[24] In one chapter in the manga, when the Barsburg officers hear that Ayanami is leading 500 soldiers to Antwort to reinforce them, they say that the Black Hawks (Ayanami and his personal subordinates) are monsters and they do not want to fight with them.
In many people's views, Ayanami is unfeeling and does not value humans' lives. There is opposing evidence to this viewpoint, however. In episode 19, although his subordinate, Kuroyuri, is willing to die for him, he refuses to abandon him/her even if it puts himself in danger. In one of the drama CDs, he goes to the grave of his closest Begleiter, Yukikaze, and talks to him gently.
As the Barsburg Empire's Chief of Staff, he can be a cold and merciless character who does not hesitate to kill in order to accomplish his mission. He is very dedicated to his country, and his nationalism provides the motive for many of his actions. His cruelty is shown when he holds Mikage in for questioning after Teito escaped: he gives Mikage a choice between Teito and Mikage's family. When Mikage expresses that he will not abandon Teito, Anayami possesses Mikage's soul and when Mikage finally finds Teito, he takes over his body and forces him to attack Teito. In the end, Teito and Frau are forced to kill Mikage, which takes its toll on Teito emotionally. When asked, Ayanami told Hyuuga, a member of the Black Hawks and his former classmate[25] that it is necessary to kill Mikage in front of Teito's very own eyes so that Teito would come after him himself instead of shunning him. But it seems that he has not harmed Mikage's sister at all,[26] even though Mikage chose Teito.
In one of the lighthearted official doujinshi titled Supreme Sugar, Ayanami is shown taking care of his pets, but all the animals are afraid of him, except for his black panthers which lick him affectionately.
It is later revealed in chapter 46 that Ayanami is the reincarnation of the spirit of Verloren. Usually Verloren reincarnates within a human body every time one dies, but Ayanami has remembered that he is Verloren. Ayanami confirms to Labrador that he wants his original body and power back, and will stop at nothing to get it. He also reveals the Seven Ghosts are actually fragments of his body so he will get them back as well. Verloren was deeply in love with the Chief of Heaven's daughter, Eve, and the Chief of Heaven accused him of killing her. When she died, he went to Earth and took people's souls in order to find hers, taking as many as possible until the Chief sent the Seven Ghosts to execute him (though they couldn't kill him because he was very powerful. They could only sealed his body and soul separately with the two Eyes). He was created by the Chief of Heaven and was considered his "Greatest Creation".
His motto is "Without strength, justice is incompetence".

I'm practically an average person....or so i think.....I am an animelover (actually more than that, an animefreak! XD) I like yaoi but i hate yuri. I'm a talkative person when i'm with my friends and family members i like to talk to but shy to strangers and family members i'm not used to. I might seem to be a brave and sociable person but, actually i'm not really that type i'm rather shy and i have stage fright sometimes....but i have the confidence to talk more online than in real life. In real life i only talk to my friends the most. I'm not really that good at studying but i do get average marks. I laugh at almost everything and nothing and i go crazy often and grouchy after that(mood-swing). So, i'm not really an average mood can change at any point of time. Actually there's more but....this is how much i can tell you only.

I have an expensive avatar,saving up to buy more things. I'm an anime lover,my current name comes from 07-ghost. i love to make friends. so hope you add me as friend. biggrin


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SuichiMoon Report | 09/28/2011 1:08 am
You want 10000000 gold then copy/paste this to 10 porifle and press f4 then log out and log back in and check your gold!!!!!! it realy works!!!!!!
Nakamura Yurippe Report | 08/31/2011 4:49 am
Nakamura Yurippe
nice avatar
SuichiMoon Report | 08/20/2011 12:45 am
You want 10000000 gold then copy/paste this to 10 porifle and press f4 then log out and log back in and check your gold!!!!!! it realy works!!!!!!
Kiyomi Amane Report | 06/11/2011 8:22 am
Kiyomi Amane
Lol thnk you ? eek Im not doing lots of it T.T crying crying crying
Kiyomi Amane Report | 06/11/2011 8:05 am
Kiyomi Amane
Lol idk O.o i just found it weird ? 0.0 im suposed to do mah tution hw now >.< and im dead tmrw coz im doing last min and its simultaneous equation crying the graphical method DX and i have no idea how to do lotsaf them crying
Kiyomi Amane Report | 06/10/2011 6:51 am
Kiyomi Amane
Ellow eek
Kiyomi Amane Report | 06/01/2011 2:56 am
Kiyomi Amane
Lol i just came back frm playing around wif karyn and jor OwO and now im damn tired T^T plus , we wer playing in the rain ^_^
Kiyomi Amane Report | 06/01/2011 2:45 am
Kiyomi Amane
Lol and wats the " for ? ...
Kiyomi Amane Report | 05/30/2011 8:23 pm
Kiyomi Amane
My religious classes are usually on saturday but since its june its holiday too :3 yay >.<
Kiyomi Amane Report | 05/30/2011 8:06 pm
Kiyomi Amane
Haha XD Im having my damn tution on thurs TAT i dont want it TT>TT my tution teach wud start banging the freaking table and scream at me again crying just thinking about it makes me scared O.e



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Kiyomi Amane

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