
axisofsymmetry's avatar

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Where's Axis Now?

Hello friends!

It's been a while, heh.

First off, I'd like to apologize to anyone that thinks I'm a guy, I am in fact a lady and I just love the male avatar. Especially for RPing purposes, I was always RPing as male characters.

Secondly, it's abundantly clear that I've abandoned Gaia by this point? I know I had a good handful of friends here, and I'm sorry to anyone I never said goodbye to or told where I was going. It was a slow voyage away from Gaia, where I just logged in less and less until I stopped logging in at all.

That brings me to my last thing: If you want to reconnect and hang out where I'm at now, I've moved primarily to Tumblr. Please come visit and say hi! I'm at

Thanks for reading. Thanks for visiting my profile. Thanks for making Gaia a truly wonderful place to hang out.

Until next time,


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TxTiNK Report | 07/02/2013 8:35 am
User Image
Teddybear of Death Report | 09/19/2012 1:57 pm
Staaalking yooou... No, I'm kidding. Long time no see. Hope you're doing ok. : )
JessicaTheBesstica Report | 10/02/2011 9:09 pm
u awnserd my bottle Q. and no its not glee, its just some random asian dude that play instruments, and sings with chiks on youtube.
Daner Report | 09/10/2011 2:22 am
Why thank you, you sexy beast
Twisted_Misery Report | 08/20/2011 1:25 am
Thanks for the post tip.
Farferkugel666 Report | 08/12/2011 2:32 pm
no problem. blaugh
TwiDawnLight Report | 08/10/2011 10:47 pm
Thank you for your purchase! ^^
Teddybear of Death Report | 08/09/2011 12:33 pm
Axi, if I'm not here to say it when your bday rolls around, you have a very happy day. A thousand hugs from me and good wishes.
trxgc Report | 06/05/2011 8:23 pm
Karofsky Love Thread is archived and frozen! D:
You have any idea where everyone is congregating now?
Diosu Report | 06/03/2011 10:36 pm
They archived the Glee forum ;^; Where will we talk about Glee now?

Funny Things That Happened

4 April 2011
Agreed. It's just not Kurt's character. And, to be honest: I think Dave would be bored if Kurt was all, "I forgive you. LOVE ME!!"

5 April 2011
Making you feel better makes me feel accomplished.

My scary optimism will fix everything! O:

I have a pretty scary personality as to how things make sense

so don't worry

two weirds make a right
Teddybear of Death