So my About Me Section needs some cleaning up, so I 'm going to attempt to clean it up with a nice little stimulating autobiography, though most of this will include my personal opinions rather than background information. So good luck to all of you who read this, I have a lot to say, but probably won't say it because I'm just to lazy to type it up. And when I get lazy, I'll never finish this until I feel like rewriting a new About me section. Yeah, there your first peice of information for you. I'm a pretty lazy person.
The majority of what I do here on gaia is roleplay, browse the minishops forum, make surveys for the chatterbox when I feel like it, and join up in a charity or work on my own quest for items. But of course, I never really get around to doing of those things. When I do, I do it all one at a time. It's either I'm working on a quest, or I'm roleplaying. I can never do both at the same time. I'm a pretty good multitasker, but pretty lazy when it comes to it. And trust me, you'll see lazy come up a lot.
I enjoy popculture. Mostly the 90s and 80s though. There is something about this decade that does not sttrike me as interesting as those were. But maybe that's because I missed the 80s by just a tiny bit, and I can only remember so much from the 90s. And, I just can't come up with a name for this decade. 00s, 2000s, I dunno.
I want to know, but I don't. Just like how I want to know why people cannot simply type out all they want to say rather than txt tlking bcuz this ish teh new century 4 new stuff nd we deserve 2 tlk lyke this. Damn, I'm not even sure how to txet talk properly. I use to, when I was one of those AIM obssesed middle school kids who think that just because I'm in middle school means that I have so much more power to my speech and actions. WRONG! I remember when I was in seventh grade and thought that I had the right to cuss everything out and do what I wanted because I was twelve now. Then I got into eighth grade and figured that there was more to life, and I should accept that. It's a damn shame the kind of society that we live in now.
See, if I was back in my third world country, things would be so much different. Yes, I come from a currently uppermiddleclass family who immigrated to the united states. I'm a first generation filipino-american. Me being the only one from both sides of the family because I was the only born in the states while all of my cousins were born in the Philippines. My whole family speaks English, mind you. Probably better than most of the american breed kids that I go to school with. Actually they just attend my school, I am in the International Bacculaureate program. So I guess that puts me in the nerd category. Uhh. . No. Though my literacy level is much more advanced than others, at least I try to keep the world from buring up its oil and cutting down all the trees that help keep oxygen in the air. Everyone needs to be aware of that. When you come from a third world country where people would die to have their families have what I do, then you knew that there's something to work for. Its not just money and independence, its for the better of society.
Now I would say more about my opinonated opinons on society, but I want to say a little more on how much I love pop culture. Because of my asian-self, many outside of the sheltered education system that I attend seem to think of me as one of those hot asian chicks who lock themselves in the house all day studying as to assume that valedictorian throne. Uhh. . . That's not really me. Though I do strive to please my parents and myself by getting good grades as to attend college, my true passion is pop culture. I specialize in the areas of music and culture of the decades past. Actually, that kinda makes me a bit deprived from today's culture, but I do have a good modern day understanding, mind you. The Goo Goo dolls and Backstreet boys are the greatest of the alternative and boy band 90s. N*SYNC pssh. . . I'm glad grunge is out. People have learned to shower, and drug use is at an all time medium low since the 50s. Okay, drug use is still as high as it was back then, but at least we try to stop it, no? you know you hated it when Furbee came out, because they reminded you so much of Gremlins and how lucky that one kid was who got to act alongside Pheobe Cates. I knew it, you did have that Fast Times at Ridgemont high scence in your head. But I never saw that scence. I'm too much of a feminist, well not really. I like to contradict myself a lot when it comes to my opinions. I was about to do that now, but I decided not to type it up as means of not confusing myself.
Ahh! I want to say so much more, but. . . too . . . lazy . . .
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Un Día Más
Tommorrow we'll discover what our god in heaven has in store.
One more Dawn.
One more Day.
One Day More
Les Miserables: One Day More
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