Asura Essences

Asura Essences's avatar

Last Login: 05/17/2020 7:14 am

Birthday: 07/13


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My name is Asura Essences, you can call me Asu or Asura for short.

I am:
- Sara.
-Going 15 this 2011! Oh noes! I'm getting old!
- a Chinese living in the Philippines.
- Born in July 13, height is 5"6 and weight...erm..nevermind...
- a Cancer and Year of the Rat (Fire).
- is a proud Freshmen!

I like:
- drawing.
- Anime and Manga.
- pretty Arts.
- Fallout 3.
- the majestic and exclusive Shiskebab!
- kind and honest people.
- people who help me improve my drawings in any way.
- Nature's creations

I dislike:
- really, really, annoying beggars.
- mean people giving negative comments on drawings.
- total imbecile and retarded people.
- people who keep on asking me to donate...GRR...
- people not appreciating art.
-for God's sakes: just stupid, screaming, annoying people!

I hope:
- people can type words properly, NO sh0rtcUts, and must add punctuations...but in case of emergency...I might consider it.
- my family can move to Vancouver.
- I can master digital and traditional art.
- I remain good and studious.

That's all (^v^)~!


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Naja Kaouthia Report | 07/13/2012 11:37 am
Naja Kaouthia
So, your birthday is today, Gaia says. Congratulations blaugh
Naja Kaouthia Report | 07/15/2011 10:46 am
Naja Kaouthia
Happy late birthday! blaugh
Corvus Enca Report | 06/12/2011 5:29 pm
Corvus Enca
Why did you change your name? O__o
mean vampire boy Report | 04/25/2011 10:39 pm
mean vampire boy
faulig Report | 04/24/2011 10:18 am
omg i'm sorry for not answering your comment on my profile crying didn't log in a while and didn't expect someone to comment >_< do you still need to see my entry? if so just pm me and i'll send the link ^^
Eternal Bond Aqua Report | 04/18/2011 6:32 pm
Eternal Bond Aqua
Hello! Thank you!
Corvus Enca Report | 04/09/2011 7:31 am
Corvus Enca
Just now I don't remember which status that was O_o. But Inazuma twins gave Ban the Keiongaku Style, I guess my status spoke about that sweatdrop
martinalovesu Report | 04/05/2011 9:22 pm
ok thats nice to know rolleyes question
I_EmptyRain_I Report | 03/27/2011 2:29 am
awws, i have already made it
I_EmptyRain_I Report | 03/26/2011 10:08 pm
its now caled passionz for fashionz,
its mostly about fashion


My DA here c:

Figured that collecting is for fun, not competition...deciding to learn drawing...

Yey~! Finally obtained "The Sandman"!

Hidden Ace
The Sandman
Pious Cleric
Chuchip's Blessing
Kanoko's Nightmares
Oisin's Blessing

I lieks pie~


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Corvus Enca
Naja Kaouthia

The lovely couple Juan and Ban~Juan is the writer while Ban is the artist~

The cute and adorable artist~

The talented and awesome artist~