Hello~!My name is Asura Essences, you can call me Asu or Asura for short.
I am:
- Sara.
-Going 15 this 2011! Oh noes! I'm getting old!
- a Chinese living in the Philippines.
- Born in July 13, height is 5"6 and weight...erm..nevermind...
- a Cancer and Year of the Rat (Fire).
- is a proud Freshmen!
I like:
- drawing.
- Anime and Manga.
- pretty Arts.
- Fallout 3.
- the majestic and exclusive Shiskebab!
- kind and honest people.
- people who help me improve my drawings in any way.
- Nature's creations
I dislike:
- really, really, annoying beggars.
- mean people giving negative comments on drawings.
- total imbecile and retarded people.
- people who keep on asking me to donate...GRR...
- people not appreciating art.
-for God's sakes: just stupid, screaming, annoying people!
I hope:
- people can type words properly, NO sh0rtcUts, and must add punctuations...but in case of emergency...I might consider it.
- my family can move to Vancouver.
- I can master digital and traditional art.
- I remain good and studious.
That's all (^v^)~!
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its mostly about fashion