VMK name: AbrahimOld Gaia names: lil dathew, Xx_Dathew_xX, II_J3RKI3_II, OMGItsBaseddVince
Birthday: April 13
Soccer Team: FC Barcelona and Arsenal
Football team: Redskins!
Basketball Team: OKC
Music: Rap, indie, alternatie. I listen to everything but country.
Animal: Monkeys
Food: Jollof rice
Drink: Maybe Sprite
Everything else you can find in my interests
It's been years! I've been going through my old things and nostalgia has caused me to stumble across this Gaia account as well as my VMK account. Memories... I miss the days when everything was so simple. My old "internet life" was great. Looking through my old private messages, friends list, and old friends' profiles, I miss the people that I used to be close to, but I have to accept the fact that I will most likely never be in contact with them again. Everyone has grown and moved on: my childhood companions may now be in college, be adults facing the difficulties of life, or may even be dead. The evils of this world have molded us and forced us to mature, and now we all have to accept reality as we carry on each of our respective lives. Though I am still only a teenager (I am 17 years of age as I write this), I feel as though a whole lifetime has passed. Life sucks. If only it could all be as simple as a flash game.
I'll EAT for all of you. I promise.
asapvincent1@gmail.com Keep in touch!
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