You say Hair Bow, I say Leaf Headband!You say Jello, I say Happy Pucchin Pudding!
You say Aeropostale, I say COSPLAY!!!
You say Twilight, I say Vampire Knight!
You say Edward Cullen, I say Zero Kiryu!
You say Miley Cyrus, I say Miku Hatsune!
You say "Whazzap, Homie", I say "Konichiwa"
You say McDonalds, I say Ichiraku Ramen!!! XD
You say cartoons and comics, I say anime and manga!
You say I'm weird, I say I'm Moe!
You say "What's Moe?", I say "...I don't really know"
Put this on your page if you agree!
THAT was random. OK, my name is Julian. But you can call me Julez. I am an honest to God girl and straight. I'm also 100% taken.
BTW, I'm constantly posting my art up in the arenas, so check them out~!