Gender: Female
Age: 16
Sexuality: Straight
Status: Taken
How I Got To Gaia: I was recommended by my friend Bridget. She was telling me about this anime forum she was beta-testing on and I immediately jumped on.
Birthday: November 22, 1995
Where Have I Lived: I was born in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Then I moved to Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Then to Southern California. Then to Torrington, Connecticut. Then to New Haven, Connecticut. Finally back to Southern California!
Western Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius and Scorpio (CUSPS FTW!)
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Boar
Religion: Atheist, and proud of it.
Gaian Zodiac Sign: Cauda Diaboli

What I Want To Be When I Am Older: A professional author and a marine biologist.
Dream: Finish a book and get it published.
New Years Resolution: Stay happy, and help people around me stay happy. And become 100 pounds.
Favorite Colors: Slime Green and Pumpkin Orange
Favorite Magical Element: Fire
Favorite Animals: Penguins, Turtles, Giraffes, Octopi, Fishies, Bunnies, Kitties, Mice, any marine animal
Favorite Button On The Keyboard: ~
Personality: I have a really weird personality, it can be all over the place at once. Usually I'm nice, i.e. I let people copy my homework without them even asking 4/5 of the time, and if I see someone who even looks remotely upset (even if I'm not close to them), I will instantly worry. I'm also 'smart', or so people say. I speak with grammar, and am a novice grammar-Nazi, so excuse me if I correct you. I'm a hopeless romantic, so I do squee at sweet things. I love making new friends, so more friends please? :3 Also: Band geek!
Fears: Melissophobia (bees/wasps/hornets), mottephobia (moths/butterflies), isolophobia (being alone), poinephobia (punishment), the dark, clowns, zombies
Loves: My friends, applesauce, GaiaOnline, Tektek, Youtube, anime, sushi, manga, candles, magic, mythology, adventure, writing, singing, Fall Out Boy, ducks, hedgehogs, kittens, Scottish terriers, stuffed animals, key chains, individuality, being weird, journals, libraries, jewelry, fruity perfume, hats, accessories, chocolate, candy, Whoppers, brownies, gum, playing flute, piano, VOCALOID, marching band, Halloween costumes, full-on hugs, Wikipedia, pillow forts, Pringles, Rufus the cat
Likes: watermelon, snowflakes, dancing flames, lakes, adjectives, ghosts, Scotland, cookies, chocolate pretzels, ladybugs, glasses, high heels, video games, Pokemon, partly cloudy days, mysterious people, scary stories, Mexicans, other cultures, accents, being behind the camera, pressing a cross-walk button twenty times and arguing with it, Shark Boy, Disney, bubble wrap, doodling, daydreaming
Hates: Purple, Pink, girlishness, cockroaches, the dark, flying bugs, fashion, make-up, piercings, contacts, faulty internet, purses, faulty televisions, rain, snow, frost, being looked down upon, being normal, cleaning, people reading my diary, really annoying mean people, weird teachers, Stephen King, the words 'definitely' and 'disappear', Target, homophobes, racists, one-arm hugs, drugs, cigarettes,
Interesting quotes:
• “A man cannot become an atheist merely by wishing it.” - Napoleon Bonaparte
• "A single flower can be my garden. A single friend, my world."
• "Vulneratus Non Victus - Wounded but not conquered."
• “No one knows how it is that with one glance a boy can break through into a girl's heart.” - Napoleon Bonaparte
• "When one door of happiness closes, another opens, often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us." -Helen Keller
And that was a long intro of me. If you read all this, you must be either interested or really bored. Add me as a friend if you want, but definitely comment on my profile. Hi!
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I think your advice is amazing! heart
I love your advice <3
But I absolutely despise over thinking.
alot xD
I mean think about everything he's told you.
And think of what you think about that.
It makes one statement a vast amount of questions lol.
Actually spending more time with your boyfriend gets you to know each other better (or at least it should).
Should he get obsessive you would have to show him what he is doing.
You NEVER mix friends with relationships.
You should do what you feel is right.
If you feel as though you should be with Alex then be with him.
If your friends start bitching about it simply ask them:
"Do you not like to see me happy?"
You tired of sitting with Alex already? lol