ugh....yeah...monkey brains, anyone??
oh my gawsh!!!!!! its....its......a weird, poofy, soul-cloud thingy!!!!!!!!!!!!! imma...imma....omnom nom nom nom nom nom......
i ♥ chocolate covered pikachus
*noms some more*
For some absurd reason, i wanna eat chocolate and monopolize the next person i see....while doing some (fail!) air cartwheels and talking to my other self from the alternate universe.... from the humid but amazingly non-sweaty country, Philippines...
i like sadistic stuff, monopolizing someone, DEATHNOTE!!! and anime in general, fanfiction, chocolate, death, chocolate again, death, death, plot-bunnies, death again, chocolate, chocolate, nekos, chocolate, chocolate, BEYOND BIRTHDAY!!!! (he's mine!) and......yeah, the rest is still lost in my jammed-up brain so you'll have to guess....
*falls asleep*
Awwww.....nice or not so nice people who saves me from the pits of boredom... ^_^
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