

Aaaaahhh OMG what's that sound. Oh wait it's music. Got my headphones in I knew that. Of coarse I knew that but anyway HI don't mind me. I often talk to myself. Though some people call me crazy I can assure you that I am not 4laugh .
just don't listen to my coworkers their all conspiring against me. At least I'm not up tight. If there's anything i like doing it's clowning around. Though I can't always say my jokes are appropriate rofl . Don't believe me ask someone who knows me xd . Some of my favorite things is Manga, Anime, and offering Sarcasm. Made my manager laugh so hard the other night she ran to the bathroom. (NOT THAT ANY OF YOU WOULD WANT TO KNOW ABOUT THAT.)
Aside from watching my favorite anime and annoying my parents and coworkers into the ground i like to write. Just don't tell anyone I said that. They'd kill me if they found out I was doing it on purpose. rofl rofl

Let Them Not Be Forgotten:

You will not be forgotten. Soldiers so brave. Fighting for freedom, for justice and right. To the great soldiers of old and the great soldiers of new.

Those so noble, those so bold. Fighting for one ideal. In the forests, in the deserts through winter and rain. Waiting restlessly hrough cold nights and blistering days.

To hear the trumpet raised in resounding rhythm. To the drums that thunder, prophesying war. March onward, onward to a battlefront unseen. Lay out the dead side by side.

Paint the ground in red. Forget not what they gave or the maybe's that could have been. Release a thousand dove's to fly. That leave behind a blanket so white.

Like an untouched virgin snow. Once stained so red now pure and white. What they lost for our own sake. Forget them not, for those who fought.

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I've adopted a neko!
Name: Toby
Likes: causing mischief, cooking, and digging holes for people to fall into.
Dont like: Violence, things that smell like year old unwashed gymshorts, and being treated like a pervert
Owner: Dosa_Rintail
You can adopt one too!

Adopt One!


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W0nd3ring d3m0n Report | 06/10/2015 11:51 pm
W0nd3ring d3m0n
Obsessive Delusions Report | 04/28/2015 8:00 pm
Obsessive Delusions

The link to the forum so you can save them. ^^
Pumpernickel Dreams Report | 08/27/2013 3:31 pm
Pumpernickel Dreams

i dont play that .u.
Pumpernickel Dreams Report | 08/25/2013 11:04 am
Pumpernickel Dreams
Yay. cx
Pumpernickel Dreams Report | 07/28/2013 11:25 am
Pumpernickel Dreams
Ahh. You can always buy a cheap and good-working laptop. 8D
Pumpernickel Dreams Report | 07/28/2013 11:18 am
Pumpernickel Dreams
Dang. xD Just clear everything on your old computer and restart everything... Unless there's, like, games and whatever. Then it's gone. FOREVER. emotion_donotwant
Pumpernickel Dreams Report | 07/28/2013 6:09 am
Pumpernickel Dreams
Pfft. xD Good, good. New computers, yaaay. Wait, new old computers. C8
Pumpernickel Dreams Report | 07/23/2013 3:24 pm
Pumpernickel Dreams
Meebo's gone.
Pumpernickel Dreams Report | 07/02/2013 8:30 pm
Pumpernickel Dreams
I haven't heard from you, su, add me back if you're still active. emotion_sweatdrop
Pumpernickel Dreams Report | 04/26/2013 6:17 am
Pumpernickel Dreams
Happy Birthday!! heart


Go to heaven for the climate,[/color:0557344067] hell for the company[/color:0557344067].[/align:0557344067]

Song Bird Of the Flame[/size:0557344067][/color:0557344067][/align:0557344067]


Kiss Insanity: What was that sound? He couldn't be sure anymore. Was this real or was his mind tormenting him? Slowly snapping into insanity. Mindless tread, crimson remains on broken glass. Current drag me down to the stony bottom. Images, sounds flashing in my brain. See the jerking bodies, see the fear? What was fear but a useless distorted emotion. So why not raise the knife? Take back what I seek. Register no fear yet feel so cold and numb. How do I take back what I seek? That of which they stole. Through their screams I found nothing. No joy no satisfaction. Current swirl around me. Pull the red stains from my skin. Memories flash like unseen scars. Who will tell of this madening travesty? Or this work of art. Drop the blade and drift away. Let the current drag me down. Down to the stony bottom to look up through a shimmering curtan. See the stars but feel nothing. What was that sound? He couldn't be sure anymore. Was this real or was his mind tormenting him?

Guide Me Home: Let the waves crash upon the beach ad wash away the time. Hear the birds sing upon the air resounding joy and sorrow. Rock a by, lullaby sings the night out at sea.Let me keep my angels close so the demons of the sea do not torment me. All I ask for is a tall ship and a star to guide me by. Guide me home. Guide me straight. To a widows watch where candles wait. Trolly on, trolly on through the Winters howl, listen to the singing of the sea while demons scream tormentedly. Wishing you were here within my grasp. Just something warm to hold close. I need a star to guide me by. To guide me straight. To guide me home. Where angels wait in predawns wake. For both sorrow and joy within these hearts. For those returned and lost at sea. Tears that fall like little drops like rain to raise the sea. Was this what was always meant too be? Fight the demons and flow with the tide.Like beating hearts on the tide that comes and goes. All I want is a tall ship and a star to guide me by. Guide me home. Guide me straight. To a widows watch where candles wait.

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Special Agent Dima here. State ur complaint!

Line the streets with the skulls of our children, the gutter to run red with tainted innocence. Death to the madness, death to the fear, death to the sadness, death to the pain. Raise ur voice like herald song and bring down what should not have been. DEATH TO KONY!!! check out what this bastards done at If u agree with him then burn in hell!

You told me that you loved me yet you lied.You said that you would never leave me yet left me behind. Forget the memories of the past. So that unseen wounds do not bleed once more.Those little crimson drops to stain the virgin snow.

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I am evil Flareon. FEAR ME!!!

How I ever ended up with you as a partner is beyond me.

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Muahahhaaa!! Ember waz here >3 I wuv Dosa with all my heart! We are like best buds <3 Bgff's you do anything to hurt this amazing person and I will have to hurt you bad D< just a warning. ^-^ <3

any donations to help me reach a dream avi is welcome.

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Dream avi's that will never happen.

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Facebook: Katomeki Rikazidoshika (SongbirdoftheFlame)If you send me a request here PM me so I know who you are. If I do not know you or one of my friends can not vouch for you. You're request will be deleted. Sorry if this is an inconveniance.

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