My name is Z...
I know the fact that this profile looks a little weird and dark for some people but...heh...that's the kinda person I am... Just to be someone that you are not...*smiles cruelly* but what in the world would anyone know about me... Certainly not the person looking at this profile...I mean I wouldn't know you period...but I guess you are looking for some information on my as a human...*sighs* here goes nothing...
Here is my heart, open and alive. I now understand that sorrow will come around again and again but I now have the strength to get back up. The dark place I was in is now gone. I'm free; hear my voice where it belongs!
Favorite color(s)> black, red, white
Favorite food(s)> don't ask
Favorite music > something dark or hard rock
Favorite thing to watch> Anything anime with some blood
Favorite reads> random stuff
Favorite animals> wolf, dragons
Where I live> Alaska
What do I do> watch movies, play video games, studying for finals
Dreams to go> Japan, China and India
Future Plans> Heh...we never know when we dissappear
Status> Ugh...why do you wanna know?
Angel type> Fallen Angel
Wants> To find a piece to the void and hid it in my room
Located> Alone in a room with a notebook, screaming and writing my feelings there then releasing the pain inside this website aka journal.
So I guess that is all you need to know about me right now and if you need any more information on me you can pm me or leave a comment...and don't ask me if I am emo...cause I will delete your message/comment and ignore you...whatever. *remains in the shadows watching you with blood red eyes*
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