******** THE HOMOPHOBES by ~Light-X-Ryuuzaki http://www.azzit.de/humor/123.html
If any of you are out there, read this poem please. <******** Homophobes!
(i shear there views, but im stright smile edited 31/12/2010)
What's wrong with liking the same sex, it changes nothing in my eyes,
While you're reading this poem I hope you find it in your heart,
I hope you realise your problems, be they inside or out,
And fix any prejudice you hold on those that are Bi or Gay.
I think the act of love is beautiful, no matter how you carry it is done,
if it's with somebody you love, who cares? Why don't we find a problem, a difference?
It's because there isn't one, no matter how hard you look, its love,
and we feel it the same way, we are not "aliens"
You might think, "they don't know what they're doing",
or "God will send them away for their disobedience"
What disobedience!? There were no rules in the bible about love,
no restrictions were laid down on the genders,
You don't know how hard it is for us,
Every day we get shot down and torn apart,
Were afraid to show public affection, something your all 'allowed' to do,
You think "oh they were born like that" or we came upon it easily,
to be honest, can you all stop talking s**t.
some of us were born gay, yes
but the majority of us worried and experimented for years before we came upon our sexuality,
I call this a poem, but I think it's more of a rant,
no I'm not accusing everybody of being a Homophobic,
but I want you to keep in mind,
The small things you say bring tears,
the large things you say, bring wishes of death, worse even.
If you believe in this rubbish, saying its true they shouldn't exist, then maybe you shouldn't exist.
The love we hold for our partners is unconditional and hard to find,
most of us never break a relationship, for love grows easily when you're fighting the world,
you all split up and get together every other week,
what are we supposed to do.
Sometimes I think there are "Us" and "Them" groups, and sometimes I hate "Them"
they destroy our defences and kill our love.
All I ask, is you treat us like people, we are people. Gay and bisexual hate is disgusting;
no matter how you look at it, people are judged over nothing.
Imagine you've fallen in love, if you are in love, this will be harder to think about.
imagine that people laughed at you, pointed their stubby fingers and beat you up,
Just because of who you're in love with. Imagine you tell a secret,
and because of it, your whole family and all of your friends rejected you.
Alot of "Us" go through these things every day.
Stand up for gay pride, and help the homophobes climb back to reality.
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