Her Name: Martina.
Her Hair: Blonde/Blue.
Her Eyes: Green/Grey.
Her Colours: Blacks. Reds. Blues. Purples.
She Loves: Writing. Photography. Guitar. Music. Hoodies. Rain. Coffee. Getting Free Avi Art *hint hint*.
She Hates: Liars. Traitors. Fakes. When Her Hair Gets All Flat. Getting Blamed For Things That Aren't Her Fault. People Who Don't Act Their Age. People Who Judge. You...?

Don't worry. I don't actually hate you, I just don't know you(yet?).
Leave me a comment, or PM me ^_^
Don't bother insulting me, you will be ignored.
I don't accept random friend requests. Talk to me first.
Don't ask me to buy you something, because I won't.
Don't ask me to donate, if I want to I will.
I will not be your girlfriend on Gaia. Or in real life. Don't bother asking. Deal with it.
I'm happy to comment and rate your Art/Avi/Writing, but I won't join guilds. Sorry.
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its soooo looonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggggg since we met. idk if u even rmmber me lol.
i just happen to get ultra bored n suddenly open up my gaia account. sweatdrop
I am here if you ever need to talk. Maybe via pm next time for discretion?
its stated 19 august rite?? its myt birthday then xp
huggles fr u too 4laugh miz u much2 whee