Angelic Sobriquet's avatar

Last Login: 06/30/2012 6:01 am

Gender: Female

Birthday: 01/19

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Total Value: 540,136 Gold
After Exclusions: 496,324 Gold
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Item/s Still Needed:

Elegant Veil

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Total Value: 1,161,804 Gold
After Exclusions: 1,043,749 Gold
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Item/s Still Needed:
Winter Rose
Compass of Seidh 6th Gen
Angelic Lace
Angelic Lace

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Her Name: Martina.
Her Hair: Blonde/Blue.
Her Eyes: Green/Grey.
Her Colours: Blacks. Reds. Blues. Purples.
She Loves: Writing. Photography. Guitar. Music. Hoodies. Rain. Coffee. Getting Free Avi Art *hint hint*.
She Hates: Liars. Traitors. Fakes. When Her Hair Gets All Flat. Getting Blamed For Things That Aren't Her Fault. People Who Don't Act Their Age. People Who Judge. You...?

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Don't worry. I don't actually hate you, I just don't know you(yet?).
Leave me a comment, or PM me ^_^
Don't bother insulting me, you will be ignored.
I don't accept random friend requests. Talk to me first.
Don't ask me to buy you something, because I won't.
Don't ask me to donate, if I want to I will.
I will not be your girlfriend on Gaia. Or in real life. Don't bother asking. Deal with it.
I'm happy to comment and rate your Art/Avi/Writing, but I won't join guilds. Sorry.


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Leozeth Report | 07/26/2012 2:20 am
and i changed my name to Leozeth blaugh
Leozeth Report | 07/26/2012 2:14 am
omg it took me almost a year to reply ur msg. im so sorry. T.T i couldnt on9 fr that long bcause i lose the password of my gaia account. n i opnly able to rtrieve it around this time. i've been fine. now im actually on a 3 months holiday. n 1 months left. anddd... i just broke up with my gf.. how bout u? how u been?
Leozeth Report | 08/27/2011 2:25 pm
hey.. hows life?
its soooo looonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggggg since we met. idk if u even rmmber me lol.
i just happen to get ultra bored n suddenly open up my gaia account. sweatdrop
Reliquaries Riddle Report | 10/31/2010 10:59 am
Never worry about length with me, I know where you are, this is the point in high school when he changes everyone are going through cause them to change and become mean, especially female who have larger hormone changes. (Guy's just become more competitive and lusting, it seldom has problems on friendships with other guys) During high school your entire friend demographic might change. It's the time when you figure out who is really a friend. The drama should end a year or so after after high school ends. Keep your chin up and just be yourself. At the end you will know who your true friends are.
I am here if you ever need to talk. Maybe via pm next time for discretion?
McKaile The Fallen Report | 10/29/2010 10:00 am
Thank you. This is just for Holloween though
Reliquaries Riddle Report | 10/29/2010 9:55 am
I'm ok, but more importantly, what has happened?
Reliquaries Riddle Report | 10/29/2010 1:33 am
How are you my lovely?
McKaile The Fallen Report | 10/28/2010 2:06 pm
A little tired. I like this Avi of yours.
McKaile The Fallen Report | 10/23/2010 7:34 am
How are you today?
Leozeth Report | 09/14/2010 7:53 pm
lol TQ very much xd
its stated 19 august rite?? its myt birthday then xp
huggles fr u too 4laugh miz u much2 whee