All about me
Hi my real name is briana and i have blue eyes and blonde hair. I am 17 years old. im a big animal lover and i love to ride horses. i have 4 annoying sisters and i had two brothers but my little brother died at age 4 from cancer and my older brother is just stupid lol (now I have a new baby brother). well if you want to know more just go ahead and ask me. heart heart heart heart
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Enless I end up with more than one of the same item.
I sold mine a while ago, and then sorta recently someone gave one to me..
Idk, theres lots of things I wish I hadn't sold, and things I'm glad I held onto. lol.
I don't hardly ever make any gold anymore.
I just save it,
buy things when they're cheap, hold onto them for a while, and sell them for more than what I payed.
I'm sooo bored all the sudden!
Really? I havn't been fishing in ..FOREVER!
It got boring 'cause I didn't know anyone, and it was full of weirdos for a while lol.
It's probably better now ^^
Really? I didn't think fish were worth that much?! ..I guess it has been a long time since I checked!
... New fish!? :'D I didnt know that!
I'll be on gaia often, then I'll just quit for a looong period of time.
I just started getting back on it again yesterday lol. We'll see how long that lasts.
It's kinda boring after a while, buut yet not?
I remember when I first helped you make yours you were confused and thought it was dumb lol.
THEN, we were on it like.. nonstop for a long time lol. that was funny.
yours is still pretty ^^
I love the dress & red hair.