
Welcome, this is my profile. Hope you like it, anyway I am angel cat bling of course. Why know my real name it's to common anyway, just call me angel for short Im use to it.
3nodding I like making new friends, as long as you talk to me alot and not just add me as friends to just have on your friendlist.
I always shy and sometimes awkward when I first meet someone, unless it's my friends friends x3
People say I am nice funny, and awsome to be around, I hope you say the same when we talk. ^w^
I'm not mean, at all just WILD and RANDOM sometimes, never annoying ( at least I hope not D: )
times I'm mature but other times I'm childish. Just depends on my mood.
I know I can say this I'm not perfect and not model sized, really lazy sometimes, and some days I can be uncorrdinated and clusmy. @o@
Sometimes people say I always happy and just smile alot, well I do and I smile to hide my feelings away which isn't good but if your a good buddy that wont happen usally.
Other than that I will always just be me never some thing else, expect anything random from me and I can sometimes suprise people [in a good way :3].
Wanna comment? AHOY!!! the button is down there click and that's where the magic begins!
People ask me what I like and stuff like that, so look at the following likes/dislikes. DO NOT pay attention to interests, I haven't updated them in a LONG time so look below~
heart ~obsesed with/ or can't live without~
heart ~my family, friends, and pets!!!! Can't live without them
~GAIA... duh!! why would I be here? and other computer activites
~raving (note: very flashy and will cause eye damage @o@)
~sweet food (somtimes)
~fruits and veggies ;D
~gir, hello kitty, gloomy bear and domo (same-like things)
~anime:fruit basket, salior moon, mew mew power, loveless, elfen lied. It goes on
~books: twilight,harry potter,lightning theif,and curse as black
as gold.
~DDR, animal crossing and other video games
~pikachu O^w^O
~pokemon 8D
-alice in wonderland/and other disney shows or movies
~spongebob owo
~music VmV(>0<)VmV
~sports like tennis, volleyball, swimmin, and ice/roller skating
~amusment parks: disneyworld, wild adventures, adventure landing
~random things @w@
~animals (=^.^=)
like alot of stuffy X3 and more that I don't feel/forgot to name
scream ~does NOT apperciate~
scream -people who dis my bffs... >:[
-animal abusers/testers D:<
-hurting my myself :L
-Personal information, please do NOT ask where I live and stuff like that.
-copycats 3:<
-bad weather
-gross food
-fast food workers that are half deaf or somethin x]
-beggers that ask 4 stuff beacuse there so called "poor" >:/
-people who copy my ideas
-people that lie and steal >=0
-people that are rude and show no respect 4 others
(I made this for me and EXSPECIAL my homies 8D)
MADE By:The_Humble_Hobo... I think
Gifted By: The Magical Wishing Star (thanks your the best)

(yes people I made this!!! I like to draw when I can)

R.I.P to this picture of ferret and also farwells to my previous cat that passed away to

Come on people please think about Yoshi's feelings! D:[img:c3a653b4e9]http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww216/MexicanTyrant89/Betrayal.jpg[/img:c3a653b4e9]
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