Hi! Welcome to the Newbie Supporting and Training Guild. smile
To help you start your exploration of the NSTG, please be sure to visit our official Welcome Thread. Be sure to visit our Sweet Treats for Newbies charity, which rewards newbies for posting twenty times in our guild.
At the NSTG, we understand that, when people are new to Gaia, it is very tempting to purchase Gaia Cash in order to buy gold-generating items from the Cash Shop. But these items are extremely detrimental to the economy, and we at the NSTG strongly recommend making smarter choices by investing in items rather than gold generators; you can read more about what gold generators do to the Gaian economy and community by visiting our Say NO to Gold Generators! campaign thread.
Thanks, and we can't wait to see you around the guild! emotion_hug
"la vie est une fleur dont l’amour est le miel" victor hugo (life is a flower of which love is the honey)
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For the skirt .o.
I just wanted to thank you so much!
Seriously the nicest thing ever
To help you start your exploration of the NSTG, please be sure to visit our official Welcome Thread. Be sure to visit our Sweet Treats for Newbies charity, which rewards newbies for posting twenty times in our guild.
At the NSTG, we understand that, when people are new to Gaia, it is very tempting to purchase Gaia Cash in order to buy gold-generating items from the Cash Shop. But these items are extremely detrimental to the economy, and we at the NSTG strongly recommend making smarter choices by investing in items rather than gold generators; you can read more about what gold generators do to the Gaian economy and community by visiting our Say NO to Gold Generators! campaign thread.
Thanks, and we can't wait to see you around the guild! emotion_hug