Thanks! J'adore Gaga. Thank you very much for the request. As for your question, I absolutely love french fries dipped into ice cream. Whenever I got to Wendy's or In-n-Out, I eat my fries with my milkshakes. It taste really good with chocolate for some reason. What flavor do you eat yours with?
we have the same profile. xD
I came across the anime one you made,
sexxy. ;P
&Decided to stop by and say hello, and also..
I love your avatar. heart
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we have the same profile. xD
I came across the anime one you made,
sexxy. ;P
&Decided to stop by and say hello, and also..
I love your avatar. heart
Get some samples going on guuurl.
No, no. I'm DEFFENTLY not into that.
I'm HORRIBLE at math.
Makes my head explode.
No. xP
I have small boobs so. /lame.
Screw gangsta's. They annoy me. Grr.