"I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity." -Edgar Allan PoeHello my lovelies, and thank you for taking the time to stalk/lurk/look at my profile, though I am sad to say there is not much on it for you to enjoy, but I will try my best to entertain with what little I have to say.
My real name is Alee. Given the circumstances of past experiences of not only me, but of close family and friends, I've learned to never give out personal information such as that.~ And I will tell you right now, no, you will not be seeing my wretched face.
I am 19 years of age, a drop out of high school due to a medical leave because of seizures. I plan on finishing over the summer, and if need be fall semester.
I live in Arizona, so once I graduate high school, I will be moving onto GCC to enroll in their art program, and after that, moving onto the Art Institute to study in either Advertising, Fashion, or Game Design.~
I like being on Gaia because of the avatars, and I will admit, I do do avatar arts from time to time, if I see them fit. I enjoy the drawing practice. I do enter Arenas as well, though I've only placed once as Isabella "Ivy" Valentine as she appears in Soul Calibur 4~ My main inspirations in Arenas being Its Meark, Toon Cosplayer, and Lady_Eldae, all of them having a mastery or layer, look, and all around appearance and performance with their entries~
Well, that's it for now. If you'd like an avatar art, please send me a PM and I will send you an example of some of my work!~ Have a lovely day, and thank you once more for visiting.~