My art
I'm a huge fan of anime art, and while I have maybe three originals among these, i put far more time and effort into those that are copied (I DO NOT TRACE!!!!!!!) I'll kill you if you accuse me of tracing.....grrr.
I'm a huge fan of anime art, and while I have maybe three originals among these, i put far more time and effort into those that are copied (I DO NOT TRACE!!!!!!!) I'll kill you if you accuse me of tracing.....grrr.
Woah, what?! There used to be a person here! Oh yeah, I became single...h'oh snap <3
Hmm...I can't seem to get my About Me to work, so I'll just write it here.
I don't like profiles. I suck at making them and revisit mine maybe once every 6 months. And I change it maybe once a year. So there. Want to make a crazy special profile for me? Go ahead, you'd rock my world.
I love drawing, painting, writing, singing, piano-playing, skating, Brawling, playing Soul Calibur IV, learning card games, texting, reading, critiquing other people's works, talking to people, getting to know people, letting people play with my hair, playing with children and talking to old people, snow, rain, summer thunderstorms, the moon, nature, most animals, watching my own eyes change color ('s cool-looking) and pretending I'm not a klutz. Yeah, I don't get very far with that last one.
I DISLIKE being yelled at, arrogant people, people who pretend to be mature and aren't, insane and senseless drama, SPIDERS, cowpies, the sun (I'm allergic, ain't that fun?), liars, people who are mean for no reason (unless it's their way of saying "I like you"), lazy/whiny people, and cherries...I like the flavor, just not the fruit.
So there. Want to get to know me? PM me. SPEAK LITERATELY. Txt chat maks me go WTH IHU STFU!!!!! Like, I hate myself for typing that just then. Don't be an idiot. Text speak IS NOT COOL OR CUTE. It's just annoying as frick.
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Oh goodness! Glad to hear everyone is aright.
The most random tornado hit my city this past summerish autumn and it went through like.. 5 blocks and a tree landed on my friends house!
I KNOW. I'm 18 too, and I've have my permit for about 9 months.. but winter is not a good time to take your license test. But I need to get that done so I can drive myself to work and everywhere else I need to goo!
It's going pretty well. Just hanging about with friends. I've had to work the past few days so the end of my break has just been me working.. But, I'm getting my septum pierced before work tomorrow, so I'm pretty excited about that. How about yours?