Some Things You Should Know :P
Orientation: Straight {But still supportive!!!!!}
Birthday: April 28
Years on Gaia: 3 Years as of 5/27
Comment: Yes, Please feel free ^^
PM: Go ahead, I'll talk to can ask me almost anything...emphasis ALMOST
Days on: well, at least once a day to check mail...
Arena: You can most likely find me in the new arena in the writing section, if my writing is still up...go ahead and look me up and tell me what you think.
lalasarana-Cat Ears and a good friendship
iammesodealwithit-lots of money, and my profile
Ms. Strawberry Kiss-lots of items {Love you Amy}
Cannabis Corpse-april crown
Calla Ayden-PANDA PLUSHIE!!!
Sora_girl: Adorible Chibi Art!
Captian Vixi Rain-Gold and Art {Thank you so much Tiff}
My likes:
Anime (no yuri though, it annoys me..yaoi's great, but NO YURI!)
Manga {Good to read in extreme moments of boredom}
Wolves (they're so beautiful ^_^)
Mythology {I love a good story...and here are the originals}
History (mostly world history, american history bores the **** out of me)
White Chocolate (so good!!!)
Red (best color in the whole world!!!)
Me dislikes:
Tomatoes (Funny, 'cause everyone else in my family eats them like apples.)
annoying people that are full of themselves (you know you hate them too.)
Mornings (sleep is good!!!)
People that think I care about every little problem (I once had a friend that would ask me every day what some bump or something else on her was, yeah, I hate those kind of people}
Pink {Just no}
English (i'm good at it but it bores me)
ERAGON (both book and movie...mainly movie though, that think SUCKED)
Twilight {The movies...The book is no longer on my most liked's barely even on my liked list.}
My passions:
Watching good movies
Talking to friends
Color: Red, White, and Silver
Book: Fallom's Secret
Subject: History
Song: Make this Go on Forever {BY: Snow Patrol}
Weather: Rain (WHOOOOO!!!)
razz Self Made Saying: Take life one year at a time, you realize you care less about what people say or do.
Anime: Zombie Loan and Black Butler {Host CLub almost made it in here}
Manga: Dazzle and Dramacon {and Never Give Up in a very close 2nd}
Time of Day: Night (I like sleep ^_^)
Candy: Hershey's Cookies and Cream
Ice Cream: Raspberry Splash
Day of the Week: Wednesday
Person: ...well that's an odd one...i'll go with no one, i don't have favorite people...
Let's Talk...
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when you are on
I'm here
You're so kind
i wish you had some kind of other site we could talk
I actually want to be your friend ;_;
thanks for the stoof ;_;
Well feel free to give me anythingyou want me to hold onto for you
I don't even consider this you giving this to me
i can just hold the stuff
cause i know no one ever jsut quits gaia forever D=
and if you come back
you can have it all back
do you have an instant messenger
i wanna be your friend
idono what you have
if you wanna send me anything more
I'd really appreciate it ;_;
I like nice stuff
I'm sorry
Hope you come back sometime soon heart