Name is Alora, I'm 26 and I am a very attractive girl. I could show you if you personally pm me out of interest, but I don't gotta post it out here for everyone to see.I'm on here to roleplay, more than anything roleplay wink
I have quite a few cravings and pairings in mind for a roleplay, but I only roleplay with men, since most roleplays are romantic in nature or at least has some level of romance. Pm me if you're interested
I am very open minded, please just let me know what you like
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Yeah, you don't know me but while I was perusing the Barton Town Forums I saw your username and just had to tell you how completely awesome it is.
Simply due to the fact that *my* name is Alora and you spelled it the same way.
Okay, I'm done being a creepy creep now.
Have a pleasant day!
but you're just pretty in general smile
you're really pretty smile