I like pizza i am very funny. i can speak spanish and hawaiian!i have a lot of friends and i am in high school i am the popularest and the cutest girl in the school and i am a cheer leader and i have a boyfriend he is on the football team and his team is undefeatable!!
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i hope that ur fine like u
always are baby
oh yeah, how r u? i forgot to ask cause i got side tracked with the previous scentences...now BYE!!!
P.S:srry 4 the spelling errors, im not that good at spelling...
OH! another P.S: what does ps mean? ive allways been confuzzled over that, oh! and i might sound a bit hyper, cause i just drank a bunch of tea, i dont no what it is about tea that makes me hyper, but it just does...well...anyway, if u r not boo, this is now VERY akward...WELL...NOW BYE!!!!!!!!!!