
Allsixcolours's avatar

Last Login: 04/29/2013 1:33 pm

Registered: 03/16/2011

Gender: Male

Location: Mechanicsville, VA

Birthday: 02/22/1992

Occupation: Student

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Hello fellow Gaian,

Here you have stumbled upon the short verses about myself composed by... well, by myself. Being that they were works of my own, I am inclined to inform you that I do not see myself as any sort of figure of excitement or interest, nor do I truly have anything of importance to offer you. Yet, here you are, so I may as well tell you something you can take away with you.

My name is Drew, I am currently 19, though I suspect that this age will change whilst my age in this short bit about me will not. I am attending college to be educated in the arts of musical performance, appreciation, creation, and education. However, I am debating switching majors to english, as I am quite fond of reading and writing. Which leads me to why I am here. I was once a member on Gaia long ago, when it was still just a forum with a customizable avatar. Now that I return under a new name, my old one long forgotten, I am amazed at how it has changed, and plan to stay if only to explore this new community. These are the bare essentials of what you should know of me, for now, as I do not wish to further burden you with meager attempts at tricking you into thinking I am something I am not. If you do wish to know more about me, though I cannot see why, you may simply ask. I am quite open to conversation, and open to meeting new people.

I wish you a fine day.

Find me on twitter! (and be disappointed by my number of tweets >.<) @Drew_Pierre

If you can correctly guess which is me in a PM I'll give you 50 gold ^^


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Allsixcolours' Journal

I plan to write exactly what one would write in a journal. Ones experiences, reflections, thoughts, theories, discoveries, catharses, and rants. I cannot guarantee that all of the aforementioned will have a place here, but one can try.


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chessiejo Report | 06/29/2011 7:43 pm
thankew for supporting our guild topic subscription petition!

i hope you and your musical ambitions are happy in VA
Sal The Orange Tree Report | 04/04/2011 7:15 pm
Sal The Orange Tree
Lol. Yup. ;D Any one who tries to eat you peoples gets slapped with a piece of sushi!

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