Hey Alex!! I love you!!! Commenting in 2012 razz
You're sitting behind me hating me for doing this and wanting me to get off of here and look at you. xd
ALEX! I haven't commented on your profile in a thousand and a half YEARRSSSS!!! And that is not a good thing. Because everyone needs a comment from Rainbow Tingles every now and then, no?! I feel a little zombie-fied. I ish tired. You should comment on MY profile sometime, because it needs a bit of Alex lovin' xDD I feel like singing, but I think I'm going to save that for Cory's profile... I feel like making a really long comment... So I shall! People say my avatar looks like a penguin. I'd say that's a pretty creepy penguin, no? Hah. I can't wait until after Halloween! Then I shall change my avatar into the AWESOMES! And I shall be m-azing. Not that I'm not already amazing enough as it is. Did you know that the black skirt I'm wearing costed me 8000 gold?! I know! I was suprised too! But I'm rich, so it didn't bother me toooo much ^___^ The cat is knocking at the door. Ohhh, don't forget: comment on my profile!! I don't care what you say! Just COMMENT! *plants a tree in your profile* There! I even gave you a new, non-steel encased tree! AHHHH! *runs off mumbling to herself*
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You're sitting behind me hating me for doing this and wanting me to get off of here and look at you. xd