Hello there!I do avatar, OC, and fan art. You can find samples and whatnot at my deviantart page. www.alagaesha.deviantart.com It is my way of making gold to buy the wonderful items gaia has. PM me if interested!
Last Login: 10/01/2013 2:24 pm
Registered: 11/23/2006
Gender: Female
Location: California, Newport Beach
Birthday: 04/24
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I'm able to battle tomorrow night and possibly Wednesday. If those two days won't work for you, then we'll have to try on the weekend.
I would love to request a trainer and pokemon from you.
Also I'll miss you come visit CA sometime.
I hope you're having fun in Washington!
Do you do couples or pokemon or have an art shop?
I need to pay you for next time. >.>
Which ever is easier or works for your style.