
For those of you who don't know who I am, here's some info about me:
Name(s): Sara/Akito/ Kiki~Toto/Mimi
Birthday: 10/5/88
Western Zodiac Sign: Libra
Location: Houston, Texas
Occupation: Deli clerk at a local store.
Hobbies and Likes:
-Doctor Who
-Video Game
(Dance Dance, Legend of Zelda, Sims, and Jak and Daxter)
-Killing n00bs
-helping newbies
-scamming pm. (I think the attempt are hilarious and I enjoy reporting them)
-random friend request from n00bs or friend collecters
(people who make friends to show off how popular they are)
Personalty/Random Stuff:
I am one of the most randomness person you will meet. I like kitties ^^...anyway, I tend to be myself and people hate that. I don't know why, is it because I'm not them? Oh well, their lost. Back to this, I am to myself most of the time too. I'm usually the girl hiding in a corner at parties. I am blunt and to the point if I'm mad, so don't ask me things like "Does this make me look fat?" ...That's all for now
Art by me
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crush my spirit


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art by Moonx3

The Game
You have lost it

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Viewing 12 of 115 friends


Akito's Stuff



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 11/02/2016 6:19 am


heart heart heart Thank you for your purchase! 3nodding heart heart heart
Lord Saiax

Report | 11/01/2016 7:06 pm

Lord Saiax

thank you for buying

Report | 10/06/2014 9:48 am


Happy (belated birthday!)
Here is a cake to celebrate your special day!
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Mother Birthday

Report | 10/05/2014 12:23 am

Mother Birthday

User Image 10-05-14
Mother Birthday

Report | 10/04/2013 11:26 pm

Mother Birthday

User Image10-05-13
Mother Birthday

Report | 10/04/2012 7:44 pm

Mother Birthday

User Image10-05-12

Kukucs Keetleen

Report | 08/24/2012 8:47 pm

Kukucs Keetleen

Sewing isn't too hard to learn to be honest. You could go to your local craft store and I bet they'd have a basic class for pretty cheap.

Kukucs Keetleen

Report | 08/24/2012 8:42 pm

Kukucs Keetleen

Awww, thanks! I made my little cousin's costume by myself; mine was too hard so I ordered it off eBay.

Ardian Logic

Report | 08/24/2012 9:19 am

Ardian Logic

Hi ya! Nice Avi sweatdrop
looks same xd
SIaughter In The Vatican

Report | 08/09/2012 8:15 pm

SIaughter In The Vatican

Alright, thank you.


Kierara=-The Real Akito Saki-=Akito Sakoy=InSaNiTy_Is_An_IlLuSiOn=Akito Is Insane=Akito Mirasar Kikitoto=Life is Death for Akito= Akito Is An Old Fart
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Currently: Eating all the takoyaki