Hello. My name is Kuroda Haruo but you can call me Shiro for short. I'm 16 years old, generous,and easy going. I am taken by a very sweet person whom I love dearly. Aishiteru Maylee. My heart goes crazy every time I think of her. X3 As you can see i have a lot of friends,which whom I'd put my life on the line for because to me, my friends are my family. I love my Brother Eric (Atlas as he likes to be called). Even though he makes me mad he's still pretty cool. His user name is soc fan on here.Torrey(chaos krew),My other brother. My best buddy Brandon(goth brandon) is like a little cousin to me so mess with him and you'll wind up regretting it. I also love my beloved sister Kaelie (Renn_Kitsune) and John(Ash the Phantom) and Shelby(whore -- x -- R O A R) who are part of my closest family. Hmmm lets see....I like Japanese culture a lot. I wont even eat noodles or rice if i don't have a pair of chopsticks. I'm pretty good at singing and the songs I sing are mostly Japanese songs. I'm also a pretty good fighter even though im self-taught. I like a lot of anime/manga's,movies,bands,and songs so i don't really have a favorite. Some of my best friends include: Priscilla(animelovercillas), Pilisa(artistic_moonshine_inuluv) Gabby(hinata0606) who is my little sis and if I'm forgetting anyone I'm sorry. If you leave comments on my profile that say crap like: "send this to 10 people then push control whatever" then I'll report you. Have a nice day. X3
Any tree can
drop an apple.
I'll drop the
freaking moon.
Any sound can
shake the air.
My voice shakes
the heart!
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