Profile to be edited 8D *so lazy*ummmm fart time, all i can tell u guys about me right now is that im status native american and loves music and anime and is a GIRL at the old age of 17 X_X oh you would expect from me to have a totally rad profile since I have a EPIC avi..... well I don't cuz me is lazy! D}:<
Yeaa! Category 5! : D
Really awesome..! no school, rain, cold, but the hurricanes can make Puerto Rico fly away XwX;;;
So not that AWESOME but AWESOME ! =D !
By the way!.. Hows life going ?
O: Snowstorm?!
They should close your schoool ! :33
School starts on Thursday T________________________T
Art dont have I have music :100% (:
OH OH ! You avi looks sexy ;D
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