Welcome to my little world. I made this mainly for myself, however all are willing to enjoy my side of the universe.
I cry a lot. Equally because of happiness and sadness.
I am Pescotarien.
I can change my mind in ever five minutes
I believe in fairies.
I am me. I can be happy, sad, angry, or jealous. I am not perfect.
I cannot live without make-up.
I make things.
I almost never feel like I belong anywhere. I am very uncomfortable with human experiences.
I feel everything happens for a reason, but that everything that happens around us is a reflection of who we are or what we should learn.
I love horrible movies.
I try to live from a place of uniqueness and strength, not victimhood.
I am ambitious.
Crowds make me anxious.
I'm not trusted near people.
I do the best meow sound you will ever hear.
I am cat obsessed.
I'm nocturnal.
I wouldn't mind being paid in gum.
I want an iguana, I love lizards you see.
I could live off ramen and Monsters.
I want a dog named Kat. And a cat named Doggy
I want to model.
Cardboard boxes are hours of fun to me.
I still watch cartoons.
I'm always changing, with every breath I take, I'm different.
I can't roll my tongue.
I have more enemies than I hoped.
I like collecting nick knacks.
I'm hate mosquitoes.
I love sitting on the roof alone to think.
I'm in love with cats. Black cats... Oh wait.
Blue tack has MANY uses for me.
I wish I could fly.
I like to watch old Disney films.
I scream at walls.
Underland is real in my mind.
I can sing.
I can write lyrics like hell.
I hate wishing.
I believe that love is one of the most powerful weapons; no not because I am naive, but because I have all ready tried fighting with everything else and it didn't work.
--Oi! 私の名前はNikoleであるが、私の友人は私をNeko、Aiyamiの灰、またはAiと電話する。 どれが働く… 私は個人的に自分自身についての執筆エッセイ、I'を好まない; llは全力を尽くす。 私は書くことを楽しむ; 詩、短編小説、等。 私は肉を食べないし、茶を飲むことを愛する。 私は私が是認するけれどもアメリカ音楽のための多く、あるバンドかなりよいではない、しかし私はおそらく私のプロフィールで大いに遊ぶことを持っていない。 私は引くことを愛し、がそして他の芸術塗り、鉛筆によって着色のための多く、マーカーおよびそのような物ではない。 衣類の私の様式はちょっと奇妙である、けれども私の映像のほとんどはそれの多くを示さない。 はい、私は写真の売春婦および血の自慢している。 --
Name: Aiyami
Gender: Female
Relationship Status: In A Relationship
Current status: Unsure
Where I am: Texas
I'm listening to: Angelspit
I'm watching: The computer screen?
I'm thinking about: A lot.
I'm playing: Music
I'm reading: Mister B. Gone
I'm annoyed at: Some fool.
I'm hating: The annoyance
I'm missing: My old friends..
I'm looking forward to: Seeing old friends
I'm IMing: No one special
I'm eating: Nothing
I'm drinking: Monster
I'm craving: for something epic to happen!
I'm wearing: Clothes
I'm shopping at: Online
Favorite Clothes, Shoes: Whatever I want to wear.
Favorite Quote: "Even if I were created to serve one purpose alone, I do not regret being born."
"I feel like everybody has two sides... Light and dark. I like to walk to walk the line between the two.
Aiyamis' Likes:
Her friends
her music
her sisters and brothers
her cell
her computer
her creativity
Aiyamis' Dislikes:
People who hurt my friends
living in Texas
Living in Knob (but its alot better then Texas (Plus I love my friends there))
Picture of me.
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