Ello Everyone its Dan as I'd hope you know. Im writing this for the people that seem to always be there for me and some that have always been there kick to me down.Kharo (Kin)- Kin is just the best she is so crazy in a good way. She is so kind but dangerous its just great to call some one like this my friend =]. Also you should try hanging with her when she's hyper.
Andrew- This is the guy you would wanna rob a bank with he is just so loyal and cool. Andrew is one of the funniest people you will meet on this site. Me and him have been though a lot and I've gotta say its been funny as hell. Im glad I can call him my best friend.
I'll be adding Kaya,John,Drake,Kai and Flip when ever Im not so lazy.
Name: Dan,Danny,Daniel or the popular choice Danny Boi. =]
Location: Andrews mothers bed room 3. New York.
From time to time I will donate as long as im not spammed with msgs to donate.
I love gifts ;]
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how's ya darlin? ^^
miss ya nice to hear from ya every once a blue moon C:
how do you do? long time no talk x':
if u want plz wait 2 more days =l
Love sincerely Kaya~