Hi there,What can I say about myself?...
First of all I'm a very interesting person so beware lol;D
Usually I'm very active and happy but sometimes I get mad over nothing(sorry to all).
What do I like?well I like reading manga and anime,also I like drawing anime,manga characters.
What are my goals in life?Well I'll try to study pharmacy in the future, so it's my biggest goal and dream, other than that I would love to participate in show jumping competitions up to 1.60cm >
biggrin but that's beyond my reach I thinkXD!Oh almost forgot I can be a real b***h at times and I just loveeeee to teach ppl how to spell right cause it hurts meh eyes and brain-shortly I hate stupid ppl;D
For the time being I live in Europe-Lithuania and my real name is Natalie, currently I'm 18^__^,well I think that'll be enough information for now.
(P.S I won't be on much, cause school starts very soon and it's meh last grade T^T so I won't have much time for gaia...tuddels^^)
Love you all^__^TOP DONATORS!
1.((Smiley Freak)) donated Chyaku Norisu Scarf ty very much!^^
2.((Smiley Freak)) donated
razz Brown Paper Bag ty^^!
3.Kin KiriNoTenshi donated Fausto's Bottle ty^^!
4.PuppyXXChan donated 15k ty^^!
5.Glass Soldier donated 14000 ty^^!
6.tinkerbell15_05 donated various items ty^^
Okey so this is me on a horzyyyy;D

look at half of me muhahah >;O

my art^^
meh new chibi arto ;D(p.s no commissions for now sorry)

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