About MEE (:
Hey (: My name's Olivia, I'm 17 and I live in Canada. Before I say anything else, I'mma clear some stuff up. I do not live in an igloo, end every sentence with "eh?" or own a maple syrup farm. Moose(s?) do not wander free in my neighbourhood and I don't play hockey. Also, we've had electricity for a long a** time and I don't like Canadian bacon, it's just dry ham you guys...Oh, and i don't know Justin Bieber.Anyways...if you like to laugh you'd love hanging out with me, I love to laugh, hence, i do it often (: I don't do drugs, they're disgusting and smoking is gross, so if you're into that, don't even talk to me. I really like rock and indie music and the oldies though i listen to a lot of other stuff too. Also, if you love Modern Family, I love you <3
I reeeeally enjoy writing and creating art, plus learning about ancient history, anthropology, religion, and psychology. Yes, I'm a bit of a geek... I hope to pursue a career as either an author, travel journalist/documentist, cultural anthropologist, archaeologist, or teacher. One of my dreams is to travel to third world countries on volunteer trips and help people in poverty, I LOVE LOVE LOVE helping people and I am a big nature girl, plus I love foreign culture more than you could ever imagine (:
My Jung Typology is INFP: the Healer, that basically sums up everything about my personality ;P (if ya don't know what I'm talking bout, do some learning n search it up XD). If you wanna chat, just hit me up, I love meeting people, just don't be a drama queen k?. So if you finished reading this, congrats, you deserve a cookie (:
Also, llamas dramallama
btw, that's me in case you're wondering who the random chick is ;P
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We are so in synch with our not knowing the names of sexually related music!