
Aerovine's avatar

Last Login: 07/06/2024 10:13 am

Registered: 11/15/2005

Gender: Female

Location: Dunno, Where U at?


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You are most like Tohru Honda! Friendly, you care about others and put them before yourself in most situations. Also, you are thankful for your family, friends, and pretty much everything thats in the world.

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You are Carbuncle! Rather than attacking, you help protect party members from taking damage. You're always there when you're needed, and you're a cutie to boot

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Chamomile Tea...You are Chamomile Tea.Your an original! Helpful to anyone in need and always willing to lend a hand, you take action but not through violence. People listen to you for you have a knack for giving wonderful advice! Many look up to you and you try your best not to let them down. You have many friends steadfast or no who consider themselves lucky to be near you. You may have been hurt in the past but you dont let that stand in your way! You have a wonderful outlook on life and try to see the good in people which is an awesome gift!

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Your element is Air: Carefree, lovable, fun and childish. Aren't you cute! Your just full of childhood spunk and happiness! Hey who said being young was a bad thing? You have a keen understanding of what's good in life and choose to remain happy rather than get too upset over things. Life is fun, who wants to be troubled by grown-up problems? Being as capable of love as you are you will make a wonderful parent if and when you choose to grow up. Love is a mystery because you only want friends not love interests, games are better than relationships with the opposite sex. You have what everyone is searching for, that so called 'fountain of youth' deep inside. You can come across as naive and childish at times. But who cares what they think, lets go play tag!

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I put this together. wink Like?

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umm..... I guess this is what's going on in my head lately? sweatdrop

I suppose this will consist of mostly some of the weird dreams I remember. :sweat: I'm not much of a typer unless it comes to weird things like this and I most likely won't update this for months on end, but whoopdeedoo!!! :domo:


View All Comments

CentennialSoleil Report | 11/25/2013 7:55 pm
Thank you for purchasing from my store, enjoy!!! mrgreen
razor sharp intellect Report | 09/05/2012 2:46 pm
re: Your DO realize that you are asking ME to hand over an item that I will lose gold on?
Mayhap, this does not signify much to you. But I paid MORE for IT than what you offer!!
So, my friend, I cannot do this. Sorry. But I simply am "over-extended" --FOR REAL!! I am one of those Vendors who does not put actual $$ into the game. So, I'm scraping the bottom right now,
as it is. I generally have my LAST, as in END-price listed. Sorry.
P i x ii e S t i c k Report | 06/19/2012 8:49 am
gracias! biggrin lol
ll Pika_Girl ll Report | 06/17/2012 8:35 pm
Thank you for buying from my store mrgreen
P i x ii e S t i c k Report | 06/17/2012 4:53 pm
ellooo! nice pro and avi wink
Mibelle26 Report | 04/16/2012 8:51 pm
Np! And thanks for the comment about my profile! heart
Mibelle26 Report | 04/16/2012 8:45 pm
gonk Are you still there? I was setting up a shop and just now noticed your comment. If you're still interested, send trade! If not just let me know. heart
Hien81 Report | 12/25/2011 1:30 pm
YOU WIN blaugh
Porn Mags Report | 10/31/2011 11:36 pm
cool cosplay
MinikoMaki Report | 10/30/2011 8:10 pm
I love your avi! Maha!


3DS FC: 3480-3710-8666
ACNL Kindred[/color:758fa1132e]'s DA: 5300-5035-5707[/color:758fa1132e]


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I used to be known as Akara20, but I changed it on 8/9/10.