I rantI role play
I chew gum
...too much
I paint
I draw
I text
...way way way too much
I write
I read
I love
I drink (coffee, chai, and tea)
I laugh
I cry
I hope
I rhyme
I shout
I dance
I sing
I do anything i want really XD
Registered: 02/25/2009
Birthday: 04/03
Remind me to update my interests.
just rants and the sort.
You currently have zero playlists!
all: this chick is CRAZY
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anyway, I need to know, do you still have the same cell number? or do you even have one at all? cus i'm tired of not being able to talk to you, I miss you sad
so yeah, I saw Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, not as good as the first, bt okay I guess (way too much sexual stuff and swearing for PG13)