
Hi! Most of you know me by Cerece or Tamayki. I love cars, street bikes and Trucks. I'm not too much of a citygirl. I'm a tomboy with a girly side I love Suger and Adrenaline rushes. I'm a huge gamer, a BMX Rider, and am a Skater. (Though was in an acciden a little over a year ago and am getting back into it all - having to re-learn most) I like anime - and I like to RP - MMORPG's kick ass. I don't like people who are mean to others... I'll bite back... I don't tell people how to live their life - what they should and shouldn't do - I won't stand for someone trying to shove their ways in my face trying to get me to change by putting me on a guilt trip...I'm LDS. I'm well aware of the consequences of my actions. I've loved and I've lost friends. I fear and I cry. I'm strong - but I'm human. I make mistakes - some on accident some intentional. I don't take kindly to the phrase, "You can't do that - you'll never be able to." -----> I am me - and no one else is. I know my boundries - the furthest extent I can push myself....and ONLY I can and know that. I don't like the Broncos - I like the Cowboys I'm not for the Airforce - I'm for the Army Fuck with my friends or my family and I'll fuck with you... ...It'll come back 200 fold...

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~ http://www.youtube.com/v/GqhulHONscw