a n d y o u w e r e l o o k i n g s o g o o d , a n d y o u w e r e b a r e f o o t

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Hello, Bonjour, and Privet to all:
My name is Casandra Moreau.
Well, I'm quite a freak of nature (that's for true)!

I'm an artist, cosplayer, closet writer, rockatard, and husband.
Personality-wise; I'm an underachieving, procrastinating, perverted,
unorganized, indecisive kid who's in way over her

bloody outrageous head.

Making friends is hard for an obnoxious little s**t like myself..
but I've somehow come to gain a group of friends who've accepted
me, and love me for who I am. And
I love them right back!


(And if you're at all interested smile
Facebook / deviantART
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