About Me!
hey,i'm Ada Lovelace. my addiction is music... you'll never find me in any place that there isn't music playing... but if there is, i always have a song stuck in my head. i'm a photographer... my camera is like my life line! i can't go anywhere without it.
i'm a anime freak thanks to my little sister Mai_67 and yes she is my sister in real life! my favorite anime is Tsubasa and luckystar... i laugh my head off at luckystar... i also looooooooove all the studio ghibli film!!!
what else about me??? i'm a huge book worm, i eat books like chocolate... i love chocolate... like all girls wink i don't really play gaia that much.... every once in a while... when i'm bored or on the weekends... so i'll see you (not really razz ) some time then!!
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