[b:f20745bc90][i:f20745bc90] what are the odds..[/i:f20745bc90][/b:f20745bc90][/color:f20745bc90]
Name: Pedro da Costa
Birth: 29th of January
Born in: Portugal,Porto
Student in
IPB-ESTiG, taking biomedical engineering.Loves dark drum and bass,heavy metal,rock,electro jazz/lounge/chill out sessions and some reagge.
Was a graffiter, aka
SANE (the acid one),but now,he only draws in paper.
BMX rider, and swimmer for 15 years ( thats why he loves pools and the beach)
Funny guy,but a little to dark....
Find more about him,talking with him or going
here or even
here 3nodding wahmbulance DO NOT GIVE HIM ALCHOOL wahmbulance (he drinks it all,and then he needs more until he gets drunk)
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tehe im doing alright what about chu? :3
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Me ajude pooooor favoooooor!! crying
Conto contigo!
Bjão da